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In the first place, cannabis consumers safety first. Also regulations are set to be practised. Including disposing of green waste in a well documented, with proper steps followed. Like the case of retrieving medicine thrown in the garbage and sold for human consumption. In addition to beinbg unetical, and negligence for anothers health. Then cannabis consumers safety first.
However proper retraining in the errors made, is a step in the right direction. Additionally fines are in demand, as a consequence of bad business practices. Also there is always room to improve the success in the cannabis industry.
Again safety is first, especially in the case of minors. Including practicing ethical business practices, and following regulations, and laws. Like checking for Identification for all who enter the cannabis establishment. However doing business without license , is cause to be shut down for not following guide lines. And in the disregard for young lives, is not caring for other lives. Also is bringing crime to communities.
Including fraud is also against the law. And you are cheating the people. Including adding criminal charges to you and all working the establisment with you, and jail time, a step backwards.
In like manner testing of cannabis for safety reasons is important. And allowing room for lab testing sites is essential, and needed for public safety. Also free of any unwanted toxins, or chemicals. Including prevention is key, and preventing possible contamination issues is priority with medicine. Additionally with the many elements that takes to grow the cannabis plant from seed to soil to consumers hands.
On the positive side continous testing is essential. Additionally is another part of the regualtion processes. Is a mandate to the industry of all the end products ingredients on the label.
Another benefit of the cannabis plant