A Marikaneh Dream Cannabis Safety Is First Cannabis Safety Is First

Cannabis Safety Is First

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In the first place cannabis is medicine. Also cannabis safety is first. And proven helps in alot of health issues. Also is food, oil for cars, insulatrion for homes. Including grows in less time, with less water, and chemicals. And cannabis safety is first, and consumers too have to be safe..

Thus saving our natural resources. In addition has been used for thousands of years, and never a death with cannabis use. At the same time, business owners are seriuosly doing business ethically. And are being harrassed, not listened , and unlawfully removing medicine that is helping without any harm. whilst also the patients are being punished as well.

The law is not working with, but treating innocent hard workers as criminals. And this latter has been settled by releasing those thought to be ctriminals who spent years in jail for possing a plant, flower cannabis., A Medicine. Also disrupting  the legal selling of cannabis medicine to needed patrons. And while laws are being followed is not reciprocated by the law itself like the police. Pushing the much advanced progress of the cannabis plant into the system. https://420intel.com/articles/2024/03/27/cops-forced-return-800000-pot-after-controversial-raid.

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However while the law is not working enethically, by neglecting their respective jobs. Like regulating CBD hemp products that are being sold, with false labels of content, potency etc. This puts patients at risk. and harm. With this in mind, And one reason why alot of illegals shops are being closed.

As a result regulation on the hemp products is not being addressed. In addition should be a priority. Because the only ones putting the people at risk is the correspomding regulators. This by not training, or hiring regulators to work on cannabis safety. And keeping those safe that are voting for our officials. https://norml.org/news/2024/03/21/analysis-labels-on-cbd-vape-cartridges-often-provide-inaccurate-information.

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Another benefit of the cannabis plant.